2011-04-10 21:58:17 UTC
Were the illuminati or illuminata priests and disbanded within 20 years of their existence?
Two answers:
2011-04-11 03:59:06 UTC
The Illuminati was banned within eight years of its existence. Its governance was structured on the pattern of the Jesuit Order of Christian Monks. The founder of the group, Adam Weishaupt, was both a Roman Church Professor of Canon Law and a former Jesuit. He first gave the group the German name 'Perfektibilisten' when it was founded in Bavaria in 1776 and soon after the name was changed to 'Illuminati' - Latin for 'the enlightened'. Its main purpose was to counter or oppose the Freemasons which was (still is) an international 'secret society' of the day. Karl Theodor, the Elector of Bavaria banned all secret societies within his state. The Illuminati, not having had time (nor influence) to gain members of any numbers outside Bavaria, died as a result of this ban in 1784.

Writers of fiction have chosen to resurrect the name 'Illuminati' and use it as a handle for all kinds of nefarious 'secret societies' and conspiracies. This has caused rumours to abound about who belongs and what all the activities are this/these group/s is/are up to. For some of the rumours to be true the membership would have to be expending more than twenty-four working hours a day simply involving themselves in such conspiracies.
2016-05-17 20:35:30 UTC
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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.